Sunday, September 9, 2007

My Baby is in Pre-K!

So Tuesday was our first day of MDO. Luke started Pre-K and Jake is in the young two's. He is only 18 months, but he was way older than the younger class and so they moved him up. Seeng him be a big kid is crazy, but it is good for him and he has great teachers. Now Luke going to Pre-K that is a different story. I am so glad he has an October birthday and missed kindergarten this year. I am going to have a major melt down next year. He is doing great and loves his new class.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Next year, we'll meet after you drop Luke off at Kindergarten and drown your sorrows in celebratory mimosas. How exciting that you get a "Mommy-break" with both boys at MDO. I'm so happy for you (an dso look forward to that day).